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  • Esporão - João Roquette - square

    João Roquette

    Chairman of Esporão

    João joined the business in 2005, following in the footsteps of his father José Roquette. His vision and strategy brought internationalisation and sustainability to the core of the  company’s culture and activities, resulting in Esporão becoming the market leader in Portugal, Angola and Brazil. Under João’s guardianship, the transition to organic farming, together with their  holistic approach to sustainability and innovation, has now firmly established Esporão as one of the key sustainable companies in Portugal and abroad.

  • Esporão - José Luís Moreira da Silva - square

    José Luís Moreira da Silva

    Chief Production Officer

    José Luís joined Esporão in 2015, first overseeing Quinta dos Murças, then in 2019 also  Quinta do Ameal in Vinho Verde. His winemaking philosophy is: ‘Interfere as little as possible with the process and uncover the real identity of each vineyard, grape variety and origin’. From 2022, José Luís will oversee all production.

  • Esporão - Lourenço Charters - square

    Lourenço Charters

    Winemaker and Viticulture Manager, Quinta dos Murças & Quinta do Ameal

    Lourenço  joined Esporão in 2022 as the new winemaker and viticulture manager for Quinta dos Murças, Douro and Quinta do Ameal, Vinho Verde. Lourenço follows José Luis’ winemaking vision for both Quinta dos Murças and Quinta do Ameal.