Stellenbosch wine estate Kleine Zalze achieved new heights after being named Top Performing Winery of the Year by Platter’s South African wine guide, arguably the most comprehensive guide to South African wine and one of the most highly regarded in the world.

The guide, sponsored by Diner’s Club, bestowed the title on the winery, which saw no less than seven of its wines achieve the five-star apex rating whilst a further six wines received a four and a half star rating.
“Well done Kleine Zalze! In a year where we tasted fantastic wines from the 2017 and 2019 vintages, your stellar achievement of seven Five Star wines is remarkable. It is amazing to think that, only 25 years ago, Kleine Zalze was a neglected cellar and vineyard – and now you are on the forefront of brand South Africa! To the entire team, our congratulations on the well-deserved fruits of sustained, dedicated and creative work,” said Platter’s guide publisher JP Rossouw.
“Well done Kleine Zalze! In a year where we tasted fantastic wines from the 2017 and 2019 vintages, your stellar achievement of seven Five Star wines is remarkable”
The announcement follows just weeks after the experienced judges at the esteemed Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show named Kleine Zalze its Most Successful Producer Overall. “To be named best producer in consecutive events by two of South Africa’s most influential and experienced wine-tasting panels is a wonderful acknowledgement for the team,” says Kleine Zalze owner and managing director Kobus Basson. “It may seem like our stars have finally aligned this year, but a lot of thought, investment and work brought us to this point in the Kleine Zalze journey. Next year will be 25 years since we acquired Kleine Zalze and embarked on this journey. Our aim was to build a sustainable wine business and to keep the focus on improving our wines across price points, styles and cultivars whilst ensuring that we stay relevant to the market”.
Three of the seven wines selected for five star-glory are from the Family Reserve Range, namely the Cabernet Sauvignon 2017, Chenin Blanc 2019 and Sauvignon Blanc 2019. They were joined by one wine from the Vineyard Selection Range, the Vineyard Selection Chenin Blanc 2019.