Hatch Mansfield has reduced the company’s carbon footprint to become carbon neutral for emissions calculated for the 2019 year.
We are proud to be the first in the industry to achieve a trio of recognised sustainability accreditations: ISO 14001 (first UK wine business to receive this in 2011) as well as BRC Agents and Brokers together with the latest carbon neutral confirmation.

Working to reduce our impact on the environment has meant creating a culture of awareness within the company to mitigate the carbon footprint wherever possible.
With this long-term ambition in mind, we set out over eight years ago by tracking our office and business mileage CO2 and have gradually refined our approach, adding in further processes to reach an accurate CO2 total for the business. From 2014, all our UK deliveries have been measured, and since 2018 we have also captured inbound deliveries into the UK. This business mileage generates readings that are converted using DEFRA conversion factors to give a final CO2 number that is independently verified by partners at Carbon Footprint.
Everyday office modifications have included reducing the number of bins to minimise bin bag usage and moving to compostable coffee capsules. Now the team is embarking on a project to explore single use plastic in the business.
“We all know we should care for the environment and at Hatch Mansfield we have been striving to put sustainability into action…”
Explains Neil Simmons, Insights and Trade Marketing Manager at Hatch Mansfield: “We all know we should care for the environment and at Hatch Mansfield we have been striving to put sustainability into action. The wines that we import are transported across the globe and around the UK and our team generate CO2 through their day to day work. We took an active decision to measure this and offset these emissions. Carbon offsetting gives us a chance to help fund projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Without the extra financial support from people or organisations offsetting their emissions, these projects would not happen. Each year we invite our team to vote for their favoured Carbon Offset Project – for 2019, the winning project was the VCS accredited Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project in Indonesian Borneo.
“Through a cycle of continuous improvement borne out of our ISO 14001 certification, at Hatch Mansfield we are making amendments to working practices and infrastructure to minimise our carbon footprint and our effect on the wider environment. Efforts have been rewarded and it is a real positive to have reduced our carbon footprint to become carbon neutral in 2020.”
Through Carbon Footprint Ltd, We have offset over 5,000 tonnes of CO2 in various projects since 2012. Via the Woodland Trust, we have offset a further 1,500 tonnes of CO2 via tree planting in the UK – over 7,500 native trees planted to date.