Hatch are delighted to share that C.V.N.E. has been awarded gold status by the prestigious IWCA, International Wineries for Climate Action.

IWCA is a collaborative working group of environmentally committed wineries taking a science-based approach to reducing carbon emissions across the wine industry. They share best practices that mitigate climate change impacts in vineyard and winery operations so that they can act collectively to decarbonize the global wine industry — applying direct solutions that avoid purchasing carbon offset credits.
The IWCA has found that C.V.N.E. meets the requirements established by the IWCA Standing Rules for GHG emissions Scopes 1-3, from the vineyard to the final disposal of waste once the product has been consumed. It confirms that C.V.N.E. is working to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, in recognition of the significant threat climate change holds for our agricultural-based industry and the resulting need to take mitigative action.

C.V.N.E. was the first wine company in Spain to achieve the double Environmental Footprint (Carbon and Water). This double Footprint helps to verify the greenhouse gas emissions as well as the direct and indirect consumption of water.