On Saturday 2nd November Action Against Hunger held its Fine Wine and Art Dinner raising over £346,000 , a sum equivalent to saving the lives of over 8,300 severely acutely malnourished children. After Gift Aid, this takes the total to over £350,000 – the highest ever! The event, which was the brainchild hotelier Robin Hutson and food critic Bill Knott, has been running for 13 years and has raised more than £3 million to date.

Hosted by Mariella Frostrup the evening saw guests bidding on unique action lots while enjoying food from some of the UK’s top chefs to including Monica Galetti (Mere), Nieves Barragan Mohacho (Sabor), Neil Borthwick (The French House) and Jeremy Lee (Quo Vadis).

Amongst the attendees were Mark Hix, Noelle Reno, Game of Thrones actor Laura Pradelska, chef Angela Hartnett and John Illsley of Dire Straits.
All were welcomed with a Champagne Taittinger reception

Alongside fine wines and vineyard experiences, attendees also bid on art by leading artists including Bridget Riley and Keith Coventry, as well as unique dining experiences including dinner for 8 at Ken Hom’s South of France home, cooked by Ken Hom and Angela Hartnett.
Champagne Taittinger is a proud supporter of the charity and the excellent work they do and has been involved with this fundraising dinner from its conception.